影音使團曲線幫 Lady Gaga 做勢

(上圖:壞鬼頻道 Rotten Channel 的兄弟好快手改左圖!內文言之有物。連結

_!真係俾我睇死!我早就話,基督徒的道德,就只有性道德!他們反對 Gaga,主要就是因為她賣弄性感。你要反她,就應該由她出道開始反嘛!做咩依家先反?_,我真係唔明。Lady Gaga 開始賣飛,D飛一張炒到過萬果時,基督徒在哪?做咩果時唔出聲?你們當時不知道 Gaga 是賣弄性感的嗎?還是,當韓國教會動手,你們(影音)才敢挾外國勢力狐假虎威?還是,你們想在保守勢力中挽回一些聲勢?讓人家覺得你都有做下其他野?偽善!

她的影響,不是一場concert而來的!你地醒D得唔得呀?還有,你們是否太天真? Lady Gaga 的 Live,是青少年去的嗎?[普通話mode]開甚麼玩笑?青少年根本沒有財力去睇 Gaga 的 Live。他們看 Gaga,靠的是 Youtube。現在你們反而挑起年青人的好奇心了。(咦?好性感?係咪架?等我去 youtube 睇下先!)你話,你地係咪無腦?曲線幫人宣傳。你地係咪臥底黎架?

第三,在他們的文宣中,提到 Lady Gaga「崇拜撒旦的言論」。咁就要起個壇去反佢架拿?第一,唔該做好功課,查清楚先,唔係費時又好似方舟咁,充大左個頭,收唔到科。第二,崇拜撒旦的言論又駛咩大驚小怪呢?香港每日幾多十萬人都在發表「崇拜關帝、觀音的言論」啦,你唔逐個反?我想,其實他們潛意識裡是妒忌,妒忌她被追捧。教會見到呢個咁「邪氣」的 figure 咁受歡迎,咪怨婦心起,走出來潑婦罵街囉。這就是「基督的潑婦」。

_!香港的基督徒,特別是掌握媒體那班,是特_別蠢的!明明 Gaga 來,大家本來都只是恥笑一下D黃牛飛變蟹貨。你地班天才大大支野走出來要反人,你知啦,影音,你地個朵幾臭先得架?你一反,全世界咪會反過來 buy 囉。你地有少少自知之明,唔好再拖累耶穌好無?我話俾你知,你地再係咁走落去,就會同 Westboro 果班人一模一樣。睇片:






今日和另一位教牧傾談,談到影音使團。我說,他們拍的見證,我支持,我會 forward 去給人看。但當他們做戇居野,我就一定會鬧爆。我唔係反影音使團,係反「反智」。我們要為Lady Gaga 禱告嗎?當然了。同工說,她現在像甚麼?正正就是約翰福音第八章的婦人一樣,影音拿起石頭來,就丟。我不是耶穌,我不能替她解圍,但我可以那石頭丟那拿起石頭的人。那麼,大家便互丟了?對呀,那就不是公審一個人了。

8 thoughts on “影音使團曲線幫 Lady Gaga 做勢

  1. Christianity is a fucking crap religion that spread hatred in human society. They hate adults having sex. They hate women having rights. They hate gays having love. Fuck your god.

      1. Fuck your god is just an expression. Your god, as a character, is a psychopath, a jerk, a sexist pig, and a shit.

  2. I could fully related to the irrationality behind all this negative comment. It’s the church &/or Christians in the conservative mainstream who have been twisting the Christian faith to an extent so severely that it is already synonymous with ugly bigotry.

  3. Doesn’t Gaga deserve God’s love? Look beyond what she does please. If she is satanic, there are many more satanic that she is. It’s only Hype. What Hype is? It is something temporary. When it is over, you will see it differently then it is before. So, keep calm and think more thoroughly. She is popular because she uses things and symbols we all know of and plays them out in a new way. That’s called vision and inspiration. Yes, she may not be Christiany or God-loving, but new inventions and inspirations are from God. Gaga deserves some credits of the things she does, in terms of entertainment/visual arts. And yes, there are stuff that we Christian artists can learn from her.

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